creative directors of Foam. Foam is an agency providing the most creative
approaches to promotion. They look at the market research of the chosen
demographic and construct a stunning and adventurously unconventional
piece of advertising around it.
An example that seems out there but is actually perfectly logical is the
AC/DC music video they had programmed to play in excel (yes thats right
on a spread sheet!).
Foam worked out that AC/DC fans where mostly men in there 30/40s who
worked in offices and wouldn't have access to sites such as youtube at work
but would be likely to have e-mail and excel.
The highlight of their work for me was their approach to designing posters for the
band Dry the River. Conventionally they would print 1000 posters that would get
little additional publicity and weren't going to set them apart from other up and
coming bands.
Foam went for a 'less is more' approach in deciding to make just five beautifully
hand crafted posters. In a digital age do we really need loads of physical objects if
500 people stop to take a picture for their blog? This project was hugely successful,
so when executed so well clearly not. In addition to the posters they also documented
the process behind creating them by making a video.
I am not exagarating when I say that the lack of limitations this company seem to
have and the effectiveness of their campaigns is nothing short of inspirational.
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